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Hasbro: G.I. Joe - 25th Anniversary
Cobra Trooper
Cobra Trooper (The Enemy)

File Name: Unknown
Primary Military Specialty: Infantry
Secondary Military Specialty: Sabotage
Birthplace: Various countries
Grade: E-4 (or equivalent)
Bio: One of the nameless, faceless legions of Cobra Command. each Cobra is highly skilled in the use of explosives, all NATO and Warsaw Pact small arms, sabotage and the martial arts. Qualified expert: Skorpion (VZOR61) Machine Pistol; Dragunov (SVD) Sniper's Rifle; Uzi Submachine Gun; M-16.
Comments: "Cobras swear absolute loyalty to their fanatical leader Cobra Commander. Their goal, to conquer the world for their own evil purpose!"

Source: G.I. Joe

Collection: 25th Anniversary

Year: 2007

Assortment: Battle Packs

Retail: $25.00

Assortment Number: 63766/61876

UPC Number:
6 53569 26758 4

  • Battle Helmet
  • Knife
  • Dragunov Sniper's Rifle
  • Removable Harness/Belt
  • Display Stand

  • Note:
    This Cobra Trooper figure is part of the G.I. JOE 25th Anniversary Cobra Set.
    Photography by Dan Curto

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