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Hasbro: Indiana Jones
Marion Ravenwood and Cairo Henchman

Comments: Betrayed by a duplicitous monkey, Marion finds danger on the busy streets of Cairo, where a German-paid villain threatens her with a knife. Never one to shrink from a fight, Marion outruns and outwits her attacker, knocking him cold before hiding herself in a nearby laundry basket.

Raiders of the Lost Ark

Collection: 1

Year: 2008

Assortment: Deluxe Figures

Retail: $9.99

Assortment Number: 40713/40471

UPC Number:
6 53569 32363 1

  • 2 Swords
  • Frying Pan
  • Evil Monkey Spy

  • Points of Interest:
  • Marion Ravenwood is a repaint of the Marion Ravenwood figure from wave 1.
  • Cario Henchman is a repaint of the Cairo Swordsman figure from wave 1, but with a new head.

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