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Dr. Grace Augustine
Dr. Grace Augustine

Comments: On a deadly but mineral-rich distant moon called Pandora, ex-Marine Jake Sully is torn between duty and honor when he finds himself caught between the heavily armed forces of Earth's most powerful star-faring consortium and an exotic, noble alien race whose very existence is threatened by the human invaders.

Bio: Dr. Augustine is a dedicated scientist who has worked on Pandora for more than fifteen years. Her passionate defense of the Na'vi and the Pandoran ecosystem often puts her at odds with the corporate bosses at Hell's Gate.
Profession: Botanist and xenoanthropologist. Director of RDA's Avatar Program.
Skills: Foremost expert on Pandoran life forms and Na'vi culture. Experienced avatar and psilink operator.

James Cameron's Avatar

Level 1

Year: 2009

Assortment: Basic Figures

Retail: $8.99

Assortment Number: R2299

UPC Number:
0 27084 80602 1

  • Knife
  • webcam i-TAG Stand

  • Note:
    This figure of Dr. Grace Augustine is based on the likeness of Sigourney Weaver, who portrayed the character in the movie.

    Photography by Dan Curto


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