Comments: At Castle Brunwald, a German-army intelligence base, Indiana Jones crashes through a window to rescue his father, Henry Jones. When three German soldiers discover Indy’s presence, they threaten the Joneses with a machine gun, demanding the missing Grail diary. Despite being outnumbered, Indy overpowers the officer, using the officer’s own machine gun to eliminate him and his two men.
Source: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Collection: 3
Year: 2008
Assortment: Basic Figures
Retail: $7.49
Assortment Number: 40661/40070
UPC Number: 6 53569 31614 5
Sub-Machine Gun
Bullwhip (Coiled)
Top Secret Crate #9632159
Thugee Medallion
"Ticket To Adventure" Redemption Form
Note: The head, legs and arms of this Indiana Jones figure have been used on several other figures in the line. Only the chest is new.