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Hasbro: Indiana Jones
Mola Ram
Mola Ram

Comments: Granted mystical powers by his fanatic devotion to the goddess Kali, Mola Ram is the central figure in the bizarre rituals that take place in the Temple of Doom. Flooded with supernatural power, he is able to pull the heart directly out of the vulnerable chest of a victim, and present it to his goddess. He is devoted to the recovery of the Sankara Stones, and the rule of the Thuggee over the entire world.

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

Collection: 4

Year: 2008

Assortment: Basic Figures

Retail: $7.49

Assortment Number: 40834/40070

UPC Number:
6 53569 34279 3

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  • Chalice of Kali
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  • Chinese Lion
  • "Ticket To Adventure" Redemption Form

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