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Hasbro: Indiana Jones
Short Round
Short Round

Comments: Captured by Mola Ram's thugs and forced to work in the mines, Short Round never forgets his friend Indy. Escaping from his chains, he searches the depths of the secret temple, avoiding the guards, and freeing the other child slaves whenever he can. Finally, he comes upon Indy, brainwashed by the Blood of Kali, and is forced to burn his friend with a torch to free him from Mola Ram's mind control.

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

Collection: 4

Year: 2008

Assortment: Basic Figures

Retail: $7.49

Assortment Number: 40788/40070

UPC Number:
6 53569 34276 2

  • Torch
  • Dagger
  • Indy's Gear
  • Top Secret Crate #0761985
  • Anubis Statue
  • "Ticket To Adventure" Redemption Form

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