Last Crusade Biplane
Affiliation: Luftwaffe
Function: Light Fighter-Bomber
Length: 47 Feet Long
Top Speed: 8,000 Feet
Crew: Indy & His Dad
Weapons: 2 50mm Machine Guns
Comments: Hooked onto the bottom of a German zeppelin for use as a defense and reconaissance plane, this aging biplane fighter is hugely outclassed by the Messerschmitt BF-109s pursuing it. The only advantage Indy and his father have in their primitive craft is the relative combat inexperience of the German pilots, and the ability of the biplane to withstand a significant amount of damage to its fuselage before it simply falls apart in midair. Their only hope is to ditcth the plane, and try to outrun the German fighters on foot.
Source: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Year: 2008
Assortment: Titanium Series
Retail: $6.99
Assortment Number: 40684/40565
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