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Vogel's Mark VII Tank

Vogel's Mark VII Tank

Affiliation: Republic of Hatay
Function: Anti-Vehicle Artillery
Length: 34 Feet Long
Top Speed: 20 MPH
Crew: 1 Driver, 3 Gunners
Weapons: 2 6-Pound Guns, 1 75MM Main Cannon
Comments: Only a very few of the formidable British Mark VII tanks survived the end of World War I, to be either sold or given to friendly governments in Africa and the Middle East. This one has been retrofitted to add a more modern swiveling turret gun on top, and heavier armor, rather than netting to deflect grenades. Powering its way across the Turkish steppe, it is powerful enough to swiftly destroy an attack by the Grail Cult. However, it proves vulnerable to the resourcefulness of Indiana Jones, and plunges to its destruction after a desperate running battle.

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

Year: 2008

Assortment: Titanium Series

Retail: $6.99

Assortment Number: 40686/40565

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