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Hangar 51 Rocket Sled

Hangar 51 Rocket Sled

Status: Top Secret
Function: High-Speed Land Transport
Length: 22 Feet Long
Unsafe: Fighting While Driving
Engines: Twin Jet Turbines
Original Owners: U.S. Army
Comments: Jetting across the Alkali Flats of the Nevada desert, clinging desperately to the barely controlled vehicle carrying him and a huge, angrey Red Army brawler to who knows where, Indy wonders — not for the first time — how he gets himself into situations like this. As they hurtle across the desert landscape surrounding the U.S. Army's most secret military base, Indy and his opponent maneuver for an advantage on the precarious surface of the rocket sled. All it will take is a single mistake, and one or both of them will find himself skidding across the rocky desert ground at better than a hundred miles per hour.

Indiana Jones and Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

Year: 2008

Assortment: Titanium Series

Retail: $6.99

Assortment Number: 40682/40565

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