Comments: Released in the winter of 2006, the fifth series of DC Super Heroes kept with the Superman theme from series four. This wave saw the line expand with three new figures including Parasite, Supergirl in her modern costume, and Steel. The line also included straight repacks of the Series 2 Bizarro and Superman as well as a repaint of the Series 2 Doomsday. In addition, the series 4 chase figure, Superman with a black S shield, was repackage as the series 5 chase figure.
Source: DC Comics Superman
Year: 2006
Collection: DC Super Heroes
Assortment: Series 5
Retail: $8.99
Tire & Axel
This Bizarro figure is a straight repack of the Series 2 figure. This time, it did not come with the comic (or poster).
There are no documented variations for this figure.