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Mattel Q&A Session: The Answers
Posted by Curto on October 1, 2009 at 02:45 PM CST:

As part of Mattel's bi-weekly Q&A session, Cool Toy Review passed on 3 of your burning questions and now we've got the answers for you.

Cool Toy Review: Mattycollector has not been updated with any new Ghostbusters figures. Does this mean that the release schedule has been modified pushing release dates back?

Mattel: 12? Ray and 6? Ray will come out in Oct. 12? Egon and 6? Winston will be out in Dec. All of these figures should be on the site now. We?re going to do our best to stay 3 months ahead going forward with previews of upcoming product.

Cool Toy Review: When can we expect to see the release date of the DCUC Sinestro Corps 2-pack?

Mattel: The pack will be for sale Oct 15th only on

Cool Toy Review: Would it be possible to have a preorder system in addition to or in place of the subscription service for MOTUC? A lot of people do not want every figure, but would happily pay in advance months ahead of time for particular figures they really wanted to guarantee that they got them.

Mattel: We know a lot of fans ask for this, and we have looked into it. We?ll let you know if it ever goes into effect.

Cool Toy Review: Will we ever see a 4" Ghostbusters line? and if possible would use the 4Horsemen sculpts or do all new sculpts?

Mattel: At this time there is no plans to create a 4 inch line.

Cool Toy Review: Will you ever adapt one of the DC video games into action figure form, like the recently-released Batman Arkham Asylum video game... can we hope to see figures based on it in the future? Seems like video games and action figures are a great pairing!

Mattel: It is possible, but nothing to announce at this time.

If you have questions for the team, please post them in our forums, and we'll pass them on for you.

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