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Comments: There is no more fearsome place in all the universe than the planet Apokolips, where DeSaad is the right-hand man of the planet's cruel overlord, the godlike Darkseid. DeSaad has a favored place in Darkseid's court, specializing in devising super-weapons and torture devices for his ruler. Few ever speak openly against DeSaad, knowing that he has spies everywhere. Regardless of his slight stature and lack of powers, he commands fear and deference from Apokolips' endless array of villains and monsters.

Source: DC Comics:
New Gods

Collection: 12

Year: 2010

Number: 5

Assortment: Collect & Connect

Retail: $11.99

Assortment Number: R5783

UPC Number:
0 27084 83129 0

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