Mattel Q&A Session: The Answers Posted by Curto on October 15, 2008 at 07:00 PM CST: As part of Mattel's bi-weekly Q&A session, Cool Toy Review passed on 3 of your burning questions and now we've got the answers for you.
Cool Toy Review: Will you continue the Batman Movie Masters line? The Joker has been the hardest figure to find and has been desired by fans. Why not release a solid case of Joker figures?
Mattel: We will continue the Movie Masters line with some ?kit bashed? figures in Jan and new tools later in the Spring. We have increased the number of Jokers and you should see more of them in future assortments. We did not do a case of all Jokers out of respect for the late Heath Ledger. It was felt that capitalizing on his recent passing was noy appropriate.
Cool Toy Review: Back during San Diego, it was announced that there would be a series of action figures 2-packs available on When will the DCUC exclusive 2-packs be available, and aside from Adama Strange & Starfire, who will they be? Any hints?
Mattel: The Adam Strange/Starfire pack will be out at the very end of 2008. We will announce a date in November when we roll out the brand specific pages on As for future packs, look for one to have someone with Kryptonian powers.
Cool Toy Review: From a die-hard LSH fan...any new info you can share on action figures from the Legion of Super-Heroes?
Mattel: We will have a new JLU 4 pack on MattyCollector in Spring of 2009 featuring LOSH characters. We also have plans to bring them into other toy lines as well. We are all fans of Legion and eagerly want plastic versions of the 31st centuries greatest super team. The JLU pack will contain Brainiac 5?.
If you have questions for the team, please post them in our forums, and we'll pass them on for you.