NYCC: The Kidrobot Display
Published by AnthonyP on October 14, 2012 at 07:28 PM CST:
Highlighted items on display include:
Dunny Series 2012 Priced at $9.95 each, showcased is 2xMauro Gotti (3/40), Jeremiah Ketner (3/40), Tara McPherson (7/80), Sergio Mancini (2/20), Triclops Studio (2/20), and Scribe (3/40).
Smorkin' Labbit Frank Kozik Mini Series Priced at $4.95 each and packaged blind box style, included is Olive (2/25), Polka Dot (2/25), LOL! (1/25), and many more!
Follow the below link to check out the full gallery of The Kidrobot's display:
2012 New York Comic-Con The Kidrobot Display