Toy Fair 2014: Hasbro's Transformers Presentation
Published by D_Martin on February 15, 2014 at 12:11 PM CST |

This year there will be two lines in the in their Generations lines to cover both the movie and fan favorite figures including:
Deluxe Movie Bumblebee Crosshairs Dinobot Slug Dinobot Scorn
Autobot Drift Dinobot Strafe Dinobot Slash
Voyager Move Optimus Prime Dinobot Grimlock
Autobot Hound Galvatron
Leader Movie Optimus Prime Grimlock
Legends Classic Gears with Eclipse Acid Storm with Venom
Deluxe Classic Nightbeat Jhiaxus Windblade
Voyager Classic Roadbuster Sky Byte
Leader Classic Jetfire
A new line designed for kids with easy transformations...