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SDCC 2022: NECA Booth

Posted by: Nick on July 21, 2022 at 10:09 AM CST


NECA did an amazing job at the booth this year with some great activations. If you are at the show, be sure to check out the life-size E.T. and Greta Gremlin. You can also win a prize pack by scanning the QR codes there. Additionally, anyone purchasing a Greta can get a free signing by Zach Galligan.

OK, Turtle news! First as we mention yesterday, NECA is making an animated layer. The plan is to sell the three pieces as seen in the photos above, which you can connect to make a giant Turtle Lair playlet! Hopefully we will get something similar in the movie line.

Speaking of the movie line, we asked NECA about signature characters like Taitsu and Keno. Taitsu has been difficult to acquire the rights too basically. He lives in California and runs a dojo but does not speak the best English, so NECA reps have had an issue with conveying their request. This was also all done during COVID, so perhaps there is still hope as NECA is still attempting to make this happen. Keno, however, is happening and should be making an appearance at NYCC this year! Additionally, NECA said the Ultimate Shredder from Secret of the Ooze should be hitting Walmart stores shortly in addition, NECA may release a limited batch on their site for sale as well.

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