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Hasbro's Transformers: Age Of Extinction Product Review

Posted by: AnthonyP on May 8, 2014 at 11:00 AM CST


Reviewed by Cassius and Paris - ages 13 and 8 respectively

Optimus Prime

Optimus in his normal form definitely looks very cool. The one thing I would have to complain about, is the big trailer hook up on his back, which makes him look a bit too bulky. Also the head looks a bit small for the size of his body but I guess that’s just so it can fit inside the body. Aside from that he looks really good and I especially like the truck doors and roof, which act kind of like armor covering his shoulders and legs. In his truck form, he’s basically just the classic blue truck with red flames.

Despite having over 18 joints optimus isn’t actually very flexible. His joints are super stiff and you can't really pose him or move him around very much.

Because of how bulky he is and also because of how hard it is to move his joints it's super hard to transform him. Also the instructions tell you how turn him into his normal form from truck form, but he came in his normal form in the box so you have to read them backwards to figure it out.

Optimus comes with his sword and shield. The sword is really cool looking and Optimus holds it perfectly. The shield which doubles as a gun also looks super cool, but I find it’s a bit hard to get it to attach to his arm and once it does it keeps falling off and its very hard to adjust it.

Over all I think I’d give optimus prime 7/10.


Grimlock is definitely my favorite looking out of all of them. The T-Rex skulls above his shoulders and spike-covered boots make him look powerful and menacing. In his T-Rex form he looks very awesome but the tail looks a bit stubby and I find it looks a bit weird how the arms stick out so much. Despite that he still looks really awesome in both forms.

Unlike Optimus, Grimlock is very flexible in his normal form and is very easy to pose and move around. In his Dinobot form he is a lot less flexible, in fact he can barely move anything other than his mouth - which you can get him to bite with by pressing a button ,which is a nice touch - but the lack of flexibility is a bit annoying.

Grimlock is a lot easier to transform then Optimus, but just like Optimus the instructions for him were for untransforming him, when he came in his normal form already. Besides that his tail is nearly impossible to fit perfectly into place and constantly comes undone.

Grimlock comes with his staff; it has a spiky club on one end and a spear on the other it goes really well with Grimlock and his very spiky outfit.

Grimlock gets an 8\10 just because of the fact that he’s a lot easier to pose and move around than Optimus.


Drift is very very cool looking and is a close second favourite to Grimlock visually. The one bad thing I have to say about him though is that he wears the top of the car on his back, which looks cool, but the problem is that it doesn’t stay in place and so it sort of just flops around and is really annoying. Once he is in his car form he looks really cool and his is defiantly my favorite out of all the transformations.

Drifts arms and neck are both very flexible but every thing below his waist is a lot less flexible and so a lot harder to move, but despite that he is still pretty easy to move around and pose without too much difficulty.

Drift took a while to figure out but once we got it, we managed to transform him in under two minutes.

Drift has two very cool looking swords that go very well with his samurai armour, plus two daggers which are basically just smaller versions of the swords.

Drift gets 6½/10


At first I really didn’t like slug but I’ve started to like him a bit more. The main problem I had is that he has too many parts hanging off and his arms and legs are both really bulky and very thin at the same time. But like I said now that I have looked at him some more and played around a bit I think he’s actually pretty cool looking. Despite that I still think that his Dinobot form is kind of dumb looking, its just a bit too lumpy and oddly proportioned. For example, his back legs are very thick while the front pair of legs are very thin. It still looks cool but not as cool as I think it could have.

Slug is super flexible and is super easy to move around. His Dinobot form on the other hand barely moves at all, you can move his legs a bit but nothing else moves very much besides his mouth.

Slug is super easy to transform and with some practice can be transformed in less then half a minute.

Slug comes with two swords, which unlike the other transformer's weapons, which are made of plastic, instead Slug’s are made of rubber so they are very bendy. They don’t seem that strong. They are also light grey which is the colure of Slugs hands and upper arms so they don’t really stick out against his colure scheme - also unlike the other transformers weapons. His weapons can also be attached to the side of the triceratops, which is a bit cool.

Slug gets 5/10

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